Museum Staff

Executive Director
Susan Ricci
480-835-2286 ext. 101
Contact for venue space rental and media inquiries
Operations & Collections Manager
Shannon Maki
480-835-2286 ext. 102
Contact for general operations and collections inquiries including research inquiries and object donations​
Exhibition Designer
Tony Peters
Front Desk / General Info
480-835-2286 ext. 100
Board Members
Greg Marek (Chair)
Susan Hawkins (Vice Chair)
Jennifer Velez (Treasurer)
Ken Shadley (Member at Large)
Barbara Bingham
Andrew Frye
Anita Peters
Steve Wood
Mission Statement
The Mesa Historical Museum provides interpretive experiences through historical objects and photos that depict significant stories about the early years of Mesa. The museum provides a meaningful learning environment for its visitors and showcases the unique importance of the Lehi/Mesa region.
The Mesa Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Special Thanks to our Sponsors
Udall Charitable Fund
DPR Construction
Cactus League
Dobson Ranch
Mark Freeman Family
Virginia Berg
Susan Tibshraeny
Deborah Elliott
Susan Hamblin Hawkins